Disjoint Set - Implemented Using Tree
- In this implementation of the disjoint set using a tree, every node will have the following structure
class Node{
int rank;
int data;
Node parent;
- Each node will contain a single element and will represent a disjoint set containing that single element.
- Union by rank always attaches the shorter tree to the root of the taller tree. Thus, the resulting tree is no taller than the originals unless they were of equal height, in which case the resulting tree is taller by one node.
- Time Complexity: O(m), where m is the number of operations
- Space Complexity: O(n), where n is the total number of nodes/elements
- rank is also called weight.
- I would recommend watching this video before going through the code: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID00PMy0-vE
import java.util.*;
// a node that represent a single disjoint set containing a single data elementclass Node{ int data; // we are onl concernd about the rank pf root of the trees // we will be using this rank of parent nodes of trees to determine which tree is to be merged to other. int rank; // this represents the parent node of this node // we are going to make this parent equal to current node, initially in makeset() operation Node parent; // constructor Node(int x){ this.data = x; this.rank = 1; this.parent = null; }}
public class Main { // A map that will give us the node associated with a given data HashMap<Integer,Node> dataNodeMap; // constructor Main(){ this.dataNodeMap = new HashMap<>(); } // Method to do makeset operation // 1. We make a new node with given data // 2. we make parent of this node as self // 3. finally we put this node in dataNodeMap // After running makeSet operation for all nodes/elements, we get individual nodes as individual disjoint sets public void makeSet(int data){ Node node = new Node(data); node.parent = node; dataNodeMap.put(data,node); } // method to find the disjoint set to which diven element belongs public Node find(int x){ Node node = this.dataNodeMap.get(x); Node parent = findSet(node); return parent; } // helper method for find method // it also uses path compression private Node findSet(Node node){ Node parent = node.parent; if(parent==node){ return node; } else{ parent = findSet(parent); } // here it is using path compression node.parent = parent; return parent; } // method to merge/ union two disjoint sets on the basis of rank // It will first find the disjoint set to which element 'x' belongs // Then it will find the disjoint set to which element 'y' belongs. // After this it will merge those disjoint sets by comaparing the ranks public void union(int x, int y){ Node nodeX = this.dataNodeMap.get(x); Node nodeY = this.dataNodeMap.get(y); Node parentX = this.find(x); Node parentY = this.find(y); // if 'x' and 'y' are already in the same set, we return if(parentX==parentY){ return; } // else if 'x' and 'y' are in different set, we merge by rank // if rank of 'x' is greater than or equal to rank of 'y', we merge y into x and update the rank of X // Here we are not concerned with the ranks for non-root nodes of trees if(parentX.rank>=parentY.rank){ parentX.rank = parentX.rank + parentY.rank; parentY.parent = parentX; } // else if rank of 'y' is greater than the rank of 'x', we merge x into y and update rank accordingly // Here we are not concerned with the ranks for non-root nodes of trees else if(parentX.rank<parentY.rank){ parentY.rank = parentY.rank + parentX.rank; parentX.parent = parentY; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Main ds = new Main(); // running makeSet operation for elements from 1-7 for(int i=1;i<=7;i++){ ds.makeSet(i); } // performing union operations ds.union(1,2); ds.union(2,3); ds.union(4,5); ds.union(6,7); ds.union(5,6); ds.union(3,7); // performing find operation on elements 1-7 for(int i=1;i<=7;i++){ System.out.print(ds.find(i).data+" "); } System.out.println(); System.out.println(); // printing current node and it's parent node from hashmap 'dataNodeMap' values for(Map.Entry<Integer,Node> hm : ds.dataNodeMap.entrySet()){ System.out.print("Current Node: "+hm.getValue().data+" , Parent Node: "+hm.getValue().parent.data); System.out.println(); } }}
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Current Node: 1 , Parent Node: 4
Current Node: 2 , Parent Node: 4
Current Node: 3 , Parent Node: 4
Current Node: 4 , Parent Node: 4
Current Node: 5 , Parent Node: 4
Current Node: 6 , Parent Node: 4
Current Node: 7 , Parent Node: 4
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