Introduction to graphs
A graph is a pair of sets (V, E) where V is set of vertices and E is a set of edges connecting the vertices.
Terminologies of a Graph :
- Vertices - These are the nodes of a graph
- Edges - The edges connect the nodes
- Unweighted Graph - A graph in which no weight is associated with any of its edges
- Weighted Graph - A graph in which a weight is associated with the edges.
- Undirected Graph - The Graph in which edges don't have a direction associated with them.
- Directed Graph - The Graph in which edges have a direction associated with them.
- Cyclic Graph - A cyclic graph is a graph having at least one loop or cycle. That means if we start from a node we can get back to the same node.
- Acyclic Graph - A graph that does not have any cycle or loop.
''A tree is a directed unweighted acyclic graph.''
- Because a node in a tree points to its children. We can go from parents to children but not from children to parents. Hence, directed.
- Because an edge in a tree is all the same with no weight, hence unweighted.
- Because we can't arrive at the start node again in any way while traversing. Hence, acyclic.
Types of Graph :
There are 6 types of graphs :
- Unweighted Undirected Graph [no weight of edge, no direction of edges]
- Unweighted Directed Graph [no weight of edge but has the direction of edges]
- Positive Weighted Directed Graph [Positive weight for edges and has the direction of edges]
- Negative Weighted Directed Graph [Negative weight for edges and has the direction of edges]
- Positive Weighted UnDirected Graph [Positive weight for edges, no direction of edges]
- Negative Weighted Undirected Graph [Negative weight for edges, no direction of edges]
It will be more clear with this diagram :
How Graph is Represented?
There are commonly two ways to represent any graph :
1. Adjacency Matrix
An Adjacency Matrix is a binary square matrix (can have only values 0 or 1 and total_rows = total_columns) used to represent a finite graph. The elements of the matrix indicate whether pairs of vertices are adjacent or not in the graph.
For the adjacent pair of vertices, eg - A-B in the below diagram, we mark the entry Adjacency_Matrix[A][B] and Adjacency_Matrix[B][A] as 1. Similarly, we mark 1 for other adjacent pairs of vertices.
The adjacency matrix can also be modified for the weighted graph in which instead of storing 0 or 1 in , the weight or cost of the edge will be stored.
In an undirected graph, if = 1, then = 1. In a directed graph, if = 1, then may or may not be 1.
Time Complexity for checking if two nodes are adjacent in adjacency matrix : O(1)
Space Complexity for adjacency matrix - O(V^2) where V is no. of vertices
Following is the adjacency matrix for unweighted and undirected graph :
2. Adjacency List
Adjacency List is a collection of unordered lists used to represent a finite graph. Each list describes the set of neighbors of a vertex (or node) in a graph.
For a weighted graph, the weight or cost of the edge is stored along with the vertex in the list. In an undirected graph, if vertex j is in list then vertex i will be in list .
Time Complexity to check if two nodes are adjacent to each other - O(E)
Space Complexity for the adjacency list is O(V+E) as only those edges are stored which are really there.

"So now we have two ways to represent a graph, but is there some condition when one way is preferable over other ?"
- If a graph is complete or near to complete (this means most of the cells in the adjacency matrix are marked as 1), then we should use Adjacency Matrix.
- But if the number of edges are few, then we should use Adjacency List
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